Sushi Sauce Recipes

With these delicious sushi sauce recipes, you may enhance your sushi experience.
If you are a sushi enthusiast, you are aware of how various sauces enhance the dish. We can prepare a range of sushi sauces at home for our sushi rolls. You can also use these sauces with other foods. Let’s investigate various Sushi Sauces:

Mango Sauce:

Mango Sauce is one of my favorites. Its sweet taste with a bit of tangerine perfectly go with Sushi rolls. The recipe is super easy and quick.


Mango1 large sweet mango
Lemon Juice6 Tbsp
Rice Vinegar4 Tbsp
Corn Starch1 teaspoon


  • Take one large sweet mango. Peel it and make little cubes. Take the seed out.
  • Next take half an orange and squeeze it on mangoes.
  • Take 4 table spoons of Rice vinegar and mix with mangoes.
  • Add ½ teaspoon lime juice.
  • Now put all these ingredients in a sauce pan. Let it simmer on the stove.
  • Combine cornstarch with cold water.
  • Stir in two tsp of the mixture. It will aid in the sauce’s thickening.
  • Turn off the stove once you’re satisfied with the consistency.
  • Blend the ingredients after placing it in a blender.
  • Let it cool. Your mango sauce is ready.

Ponzu Sauce:

This Japanese condiment can be used as a dipping sauce or in cooking. Its flavor characteristic is lemony, tart, and slightly umami. It complements a wide range of foods, including salads, grilled meats, sashimi, and sushi.


Soy Sauce1/2 cup
Lemon Zest1 lemon
Lemon Juice6 Tbsp
Orange Juice2 Tbsp
Mirin2 Tbsp
Dried Bonito Flakes1/2 cup(for vegan use 2 dried shiitake mushrooms)
Kombu1 Piece


  • Mix all the ingredients in a jar. The ingredients need to be steeped for at least a few days or overnight. Put the jar in the refrigerator. 
  • After two days, take out the jar. Strain it in a sieve. Your Ponzu sauce is ready. It can be refrigerated for one month.

Teriyaki Sauce

The most popular Japanese sauce in restaurants is teriyaki sauce. It pairs nicely with meat, poultry, and sushi meals. It also works well as a dumpling dip.
Famous Japanese sauce teriyaki is used in cuisine, especially for grilling and coating fish and meats. It is well-known for combining soy sauce, sugar, and other seasonings to create a sweet and savory flavor profile.


Soy Sauce200 ml
Mirin200 ml
Honey50 ml
Sake50 ml
Garlic5 pieces
Ginger30 gm
Sugar150 ml


  • Mix mirin and Sake. Put the mixture on the stove. Bring it to boil.
  • Add soy Sauce. Mix it well as it is caramelized.
  • When you start adding sugar, make the flame low. Mix it well. Otherwise, sugar can burn. Keep mixing until the sugar is melted.
  • When it starts boiling, add honey, chopped ginger and Garlic.
  • You can add cornstarch to thicken it. Cook it for 40 minutes for a good consistency.
  • When you get the consistency you like, switch off the stove. Drain the sauce. Your teriyaki sauce is ready.

Spicy Mayo is also perfect for Sushi Rolls. You should give it a try.

How to Serve these Sushi Sauce Recipes

I like to serve these sauces in two ways:

Squeeze bottles

They are easily available and you can drizzle sauce on Sushi rolls smoothly.

Pastry bags

If you dont have squeeze bottles you can use pastry bags to drizzle sauce on Sushi rolls. Just cut the tip and drizzle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sauce do Sushi Shops use?

Sushi restaurants use Nikiri Soy Sauce. Original Soy Sauce is very strong in flavouir. It can kill the original flavour of Sushi.

Is Sushi better with Soy Sauce?

Soy Sauce adds a umami flavour to Sushi. But it depends on your personal preference. Too much Soy Sauce can lower the original flavour of Sushi.

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