What is Kani Sushi?

When i first heard Kani Sushi, i was confused. I had never heard the name before. But little did i know i was missing a very yummy sushi flavour.

Upon reserach, i found out that Kani Sushi is very popular among folks.

Its unique flavor of crab meat make it a popular choice. In japanese, Kani means Crab. In Japan, crab meat is used to make this specific Sushi Roll.

Understanding Kani: The Star Ingredient

Kani is the japanese name for Crab. To make Kani sushi, we can use real or imitation crab sticks. Commonly crab imitation sticks are used instead of real crab meat. Imitation crab sticks are made from white fish called pollock. It is then further processed to add flavor and color.

Types of Kani Sushi

Like other types of Sushi, we can make different rolls of kani sushi like Nigiri kani Sushi, Temaki Kani Sushi, Maki Kani Sushi.

We can make Kani sushi rolls with Real crab meat or imitation crab sticks.

How to make Kani Sushi Roll at home

Making kani Sushi at home is easy and also budget friendly. Anyone can make it using my super easy and step by step recipe. So lets dive into the Recipe without any further delay.To make Kani Sushi at home you will need the following Ingredients:


Japanese Rice1 cup
Japanese Rice Vinegar1 tbsp
Sugar2 tsp
Nori Sheets6
Spicy Mayo1/2 cup
Imitation Crab8 to 10 pcs
Wasabi1 tsp
Sriracha Sauce
kani salad is very delicious and easy to make. You just have to mix shredded meat with Spicy mayo. Making Spicy Mayo at home is super easy and quick. Check out my Recipe.

Instructions to make Sushi Rice

  • First step to make Sushi Rolls of any kind is to prepare Rice. Make sure to wash rice properly. Keep washing till water becomes clear. This step is to make sure that extra starch is removed.
  • Add equal amount of water to the Rice. Cook it on medium flame. When water starts boiling, cover the lid and reduce the flame to low. Let the Rice cook on low flame for 15-20 minutes.
  • To make Sushi Rice vinegar, mix sugar, salt and Rice Vinegar. Heat it on stove top till sugar gets dissolved.
  • When the Rice is ready, dish them out in a glass dish. Season the Rice with Rice vinegar. Use a wooden spatula and use cut and fold technique gently. We have to make sure that Rice dont get smashed.

Steps to make Imitation crab filling

  • Shred the imitation crab sticks using your hands.
  • Mix Mayo with Sriracha sauce. Add this mixture to shredded crab meat.
  • Give it a good mix. Your filling for Kani Sushi is Ready.

Steps to make Kani Sushi Roll

  • Now all our ingredients are ready. We have to assemble our Sushi Rolls. Prepare your assembling station. You will need a bamboo sheet covered in plastic wrap, a sharp knife, towel and bowl filled with water.
  • First step is to cut Nori sheet in half. Place Nori sheet on bamboo mat with shiny side down.
  • Next add a layer of Rice on nori sheet. Leave 1 inch border.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds on Rice to have a crunchy flavour.
  • As we are making Inside out kani Sushi, next step is to flip the sheet. Now Nori sheet is facing up.
  • Add filling in the centre. You can add any vegetables of your choice at this point. Popular choices are cucumber and avocado cut in thin long slices.
  • Next important step is to Roll. Worry not. You will get hold with practice. Folding the Roll with Bamboo mat is comapratively Easy. Move the Bamboo mat forward with slight pressure to roll tightly.
  • Next step is to cut the Roll in 6 to 8 equal pieces. Presentation is very important. We dont want to cut the rolls unevenly. So use a sharp knife and wet it. Cut the rolls.
  • Your spicy crab roll aka Kani Sushi Rolls are ready.
  • Drizzle Spicy Mayo on your Rolls and enjoy with friends and family.

Useful Tips by the Chef

Use good quality japanese Rice as it is the main Ingredient of Sushi.

Wash Rice thoroughly to remove exccess starch. If Rice are not washed properly, they will become sticky.

Cover the bamboo mat with plastic to make the cleaning step easier.

Wet your hands before spreading Rice to prevent from sticking.

Use sharp knife to cut precisely and in one go.

Can you eat kani raw?

Kani or imitation crab is pre-cooked. So it is safe to eat straight from the packet. Moreover kani is also used in salad.

What is a kani made of?

Kani is derived from the japanese word Kanikama which means imitation crab meat. Kani is the meat of white fish called pollock. It is then deboned, and precooked to add flavor.

Is crab high in mercury?

Crab is a type of sea food but its mercury content is low as compared to swordfish, tuna etc.

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